Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pray for Yuji-san

Yesterday I met Yuji-san. He is a 23-year-old Japanese man with almost perfect English. He came to the church to practice English conversation with me.

We talked for a long time, and during the course of the conversation, I discovered that while we have a lot in common, he is not a Christian. It's clear that God has opened a door for me to water seeds that Joyce, a missionary who went before me, has planted. Pray that Janice and I will be able to have fruitful conversations with Yuji, and that God will open his eyes to the eternal.

Last night Janice arrived in Japan, and today I showed her around Omochanomachi. It's good to have someone to talk to!

Anyway, keep Yuji in your prayers. Thank you for reading, and for praying.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'll be praying for you and for Yuji-san! Keep on writing. We want to know how things are going!! :D
